BruntonSoft Software

EXIF Reference

I tried to find information about the EXIF specification, particularly the tags and the section or group in which those tags are placed. I was able to find the information, but not without some considerable searching and therefore I thought it would be worthwhile to provide that information directly. The two most complete information sources are the work of Tsuro Zoh Tachibanaya and Phil Harvey. Links to their sites and information compilation are here and here respectively. However, just in case their sites are down, I have also provided the information on my own site. Tsuro Zoh Tachibanaya’s information about the EXIF file format. Phil Harvey’s information about the EXIF tags and their grouping. This page also includes links to the specific fields individual camera manufacturers add to the images taken by their cameras. The official EXIF 2.3 Specification. I have placed a copy of the PDF file on my website, but the official link is
EXIF File Format
EXIF File Format
EXIF File Format
EXIF File Format
EXIF File Format
EXIF File Format
EXIF tags & Grouping
EXIF tags & Grouping
EXIF tags & Grouping
EXIF tags & Grouping
EXIF tags & Grouping
EXIF tags & Grouping
Copyright Ron Brunton 2011-2014 Made with Xara EXIF 2.3 Specification EXIF 2.3 Specification